Traditional Healing

With Lisa Lichtig and Patrick Hanaway (Accepting New Clients)

“Traditional healing sets things into motion to bring about balance. Traditional healing connects us to the sacredness of our lives and the world we live in which feed the roots of health and wellness.” Traditional Healing As Mara’akame or medicine people trained and initiated in the Wixárika (Huichol) shamanic tradition we offer traditional healing and counsel to people who long for reconnection, balance and alleviation of suffering in their lives. This approach can be helpful when the root cause of illness goes beyond the mere physical or lifestyle factors. This traditional healing is ancient yet can be of benefit and accessible to modern people of ALL faiths, religions and belief systems.  We are also ordained to lead rituals and ceremonies that offer transformation and reconnection with ourselves, each other and the divine natural world we are part of yet so easily feel separated from. FullSizeRender To Learn More about our work –  Click Here To Learn More about the Wixárika TraditionClick Here To Schedule a Healing Treatment or if you have questions:

Note: We do not offer physician services during traditional healing treatments. Prior to your first appointment click to read and sign this agreement. _________________________________________________________________________   What is Traditional Healing? The term ‘shaman’ can easily be over-used, feared or revered and misunderstood. We hear about tea shamans, food shamans, and those who treat people using shamanic tools after taking a weekend workshop! It is no wonder that some look upon this designation with skepticism and concern. There are obviously many different spiritual healing approaches available nowadays. We carry medicine rooted in the Huichol shamanic tradition which requires a ‘calling’, as well as a teacher, apprenticeship, intact ancestral tradition, initiation, and community. This type of healing work is potent and powerful. Guided by the laws of and relationship with nature as Divine expression and force, shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and way of life. You might say it is offers a perspective that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that this world is made of many spiritual beings in various forms such as plants, animals, rocks, clouds all interacting and influencing each other. From this perspective, we can learn to inhabit life with balance and walk the earth humbly with gentleness and respect, honesty and love for all beings and situations. Read more about the Huichol Tradition   Who can benefit from traditional healing?  Just about anyone can benefit – the only prerequisite is an openness and longing for help.  People of all faiths and beliefs are welcome.  You won’t be asked to adopt a particular belief or profess any religious or spiritual affiliation. Traditional healing is beneficial for those who feel stuck or disconnected in their lives, as well as those who are going through a life transition or looking for perspective and support – physically, mentally, emotionally.   Sometimes particular experiences, memories and traumas can prevent other healing modalities or conventional medicine from being effective; or maybe an additional ingredient is needed to augment these approaches. This type of healing can help set things into motion, bring balance as well as address challenging situations. Traditional healing can also help maintain wellness and flow in our lives. While we work with people of all stages of life and circumstances, Lisa has a particular gift helping people who are pregnant or parenting and looking for support to engage those experiences more fully or navigating pregnancy loss. Traditional healing is  particularly beneficial for those who long to

  • feel more ease and connection.
  • find direction.
  • know themself better.

    Council House Sunset doorway

    The Sacred Fire Council – where we offer healing.

  • have healthy relationships.
  • become unstuck from patterns that do not contribute to health and wellbeing.
  • navigate life transitions.
  • make good decisions.
  • find perspective or support – physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.
  • experience deeper meaning and purpose.
  • get along better with life.
  • be authentic.
  • blossom.

What is involved?

  • It is ideal to see you in person at our home office, outside around a special fire or inside if the temperatures are below freezing.  Other arrangements can be made to be seen in your home or hospital if needed.
  • Lisa also see’s people by phone and video conference for spiritual counsel and  coaching (the fee is the same).
  • Instructions for some simple preparation and driving directions are sent via email once you’ve confirmed your appointment.
  • Initial appointments are 90 minutes for new patients for Lisa ($200) and two 60 minutes appointments within 1 week for Patrick.
  • Follow Appointments are 45 – 60 minutes.  The cost is $150/appointment, unless other arrangements are made – payment by check, cash, venmo, paypal to Your Healing Roots.
  • Follow- up sessions are determined individually; weekly, monthly, seasonally. It depends upon where a person is in life and the situation being addressed.

What happens in a healing session?  Sometimes there is talking, sometimes silence. Counsel or guidance may be offered. A limpia (deep cleaning) may be done with our special feathers or other tools from our medicine bag. There may be simple assignments to help things move. The nature of the interaction is clarified through listening and connecting. To Schedule a Healing Treatment or if you have further questions:

It would be our honor and joy to offer you this opportunity for healing.

Note: We do not offer physician services during traditional healing treatments.

_____________________________________________________________________________   Patrick’s trainingIMG_BDC Patrick petitioning Gods After a ‘Heart Connecting’ Vision Quest in 2002, I was invited to learn the healing traditions and pilgrimage path of the Huichol people of the Western Sierra Madres in Central Mexico through the lineage of my teacher, Waviekame Eliot Cowan. In 2009, I was initiated as a Mara‘akame (shaman) in the Huichol tradition through the elder oversight of Tsaurirrikame (elder shaman) Don Jose Sandoval and later inducted into the Sacred Fire Healing Ministry   Lisa’s training In 1998, I began training in Plant Spirit Medicine as a student of Eliot Cowan.  Training included aspects of Classical Five Element Chinese Medicine, Plant Spirit Medicine healing approaches, plant studies and spiritual work building relationship nature and my own inner healing.  I completed the training in 1999 and have offered plant spirit medicine for over 20 years. (This  medicine does not involve the ingestion of sacred psychoactive plants.) In 2000, I was called to begin a long and rigorous shamanic apprenticeship in the Huichol lineage also under the guidance of  Eliot Cowan, now a Tsaurririkame (elder shaman) in the Huichol Tradition.  Lisa Bio - mainIn 2014, I became initiated as a Mara’akame (traditional medicine person or shaman) in the Huichol Tradition by Attending Shaman, Tsaurririkame Don Jose Sandoval at La Laguna in Santa Maria Del Oro, Nayarit, Mexico. In September 2015, I was inducted into the Sacred Fire Healing Ministry and authorized by the Temple of Sacred Fire to work as a Mara’akame.  This means that I have made a lifetime comittment to assume the responsibilities of a tradition holder of this lineage for the benefit of helping others. Licensure and Affiliation While we are trained and licensed medical doctors, we offer additional traditional healing services outside of our licensure as physicians.  As initiated Mara’akate (traditional healers or shamans), we are trained through the Blue Deer Seminary, initiated in the traditional ways, and authorized through the Temple of Sacred Fire Healing to offer shamanic healing, spiritual counsel, life transition ceremonies and rituals, spiritual community service and teaching within a strict code of standards and ethics outlined by the Seminary. The Temple of Sacred Fire Healing is dedicated to preserving and offering traditional medicine ways. They seek to train, initiate and induct a lineage of lay spiritual healers and clerics who are deeply rooted in tradition and embody spiritual and personal values necessary to preserve and offer traditional healing for this and generations to come. Our promise is to maintain the highest regard for spiritual integrity, accountability and respect for the Huichol tradition and teachings. Ethical conduct is paramount to this path which promotes and maintains balance.

  • We foster a living conversation with the Natural World as an Eternally Divine manifestation.
  • We offer healing, counsel and leadership from the place of that conversation.
  • We attend to and maintain correct relationship with our elders, colleagues and community.
  • We recognize the importance of respectful, humane relationships and understand being a Mara’akame is a life long commitment to offer a ministry that serves the needs of community.

We look forward to serving you!